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ASTRO iluminará tu noche con su nuevo comeback, ‘All Night’

OrtRadio | 21/01/2019 close

Después de un descanso de poco más de un año (exactamente 14 meses para los fanáticos del K-Pop), los chicos de ASTRO regresan esta mañana con un nuevo video. AROHA, el fandom de ASTRO, podrá disfrutar el MV de ‘All Night’, cuyo arte floral producido por LDN Noise y ritmo […]


El body-painting te protege de las picaduras de mosquitos

OrtRadio | 21/01/2019 close

Sin duda alguna, los mosquitos son los insectos más molestos que existen en la tierra ¡nos pican, nos chupan sangre y nos transmiten enfermedades! Desgraciados. Muchos se rompen la cabeza intentando alejarlos con un montón de remedios que a veces funcionan por muy poco tiempo, pero ¿sabías que existe una […]


Hello world!

Luciano | 20/01/2019 close

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

Music Production

5 Big Mistakes By Electronic Music Producers

Fernando De León | 10/11/2017 close

With the popularity of electronic dance music and the increased accessibility of technology more and more people are learning to express themselves and their talents through electronic music. These new producers submit their creations for all the world to see in hopes of becoming one of the next big names […]

Club music

Rise of Electronic Music

Fernando De León | 10/11/2017 close

Electronic music was born in the discos and nightclubs nationwide in the early eighties. Today, this genre of music, also known as Electronic Dance Music or EDM is a music largely created by disk jockeys with a purpose of creating environment for dance-based entertainment. EDM soon became one of the […]